Limited Time Offer!
Join today
and receive 50,000 free miles to get your travel started. You can book a
free flight today just by joining!
If you are not a member of the Exploration Air Frequent Flyer Club and would like to join,
simply click the button on the left.
Once you log on to Exploration Air's Frequent Flyer application,
(and fill out a brief form if you're new to our online services)
it's very easy to explore the following benefits:
- Book a Free Flight
- View Your Account History
- Edit Your Profile
- Destination of the Week
Online customers also receive special vacation package deals available only on our Web site,
so be sure to check out Exploration Air's Destination of the Week!
We hope by now we've piqued your interest in the excellent benefits our Frequent Flyer Club members receive.
Registering is simple, fast, and secure, and our logon program will
provide you with a confidential password.